eSWua: Code-derived Total Electron Content (TEC) from 50 Hz GNSS signal samples

Last modified at May 3rd, 2023, 10:40 GMT


GNSS Total Electron Content (TEC) is computed from the 50 Hz raw signal samples acquired on two different signal frequencies and expressed in TEC units (TECu). Code-derived slant TEC (sTEC) are evaluated through the dual-frequency pseudorange observables and provided every 15 seconds (tec0, tec15, tec30, tec45) for each available GNSS satellites link (depending on the acquisition capabilities of the receiver). sTEC at 1-min resolution is provided as the average of the previous quantities. The absolute sTEC measurements are corrected from the satellite-induced biases in the case of GPS, Galileo, Beidou and QZSS satellites. Correction for the station inter-frequency biases are currently not provided. Vertical values of the TEC (vTEC) are evaluated from the 1-min sTEC by assuming the Ionospheric Pierce Point at an altitude of 350 km and by applying a specific mapping function (Mannucci et al., 1993,


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Editor Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia
Version 1
Created Wednesday 22nd Feb. 2023, 10:40
Last Modified Wednesday 3rd May 2023, 10:40