Help & Support


We are currently working on adding help articles to the e-Science Centre. If what is currently available does not meet your needs, we encourage you to raise a ticket with our support team.

Contact Support

Raise a Ticket

You will need to create or log in to an EGI Check-in account to submit a ticket as we use the GGUS helpdesk service for managing tickets. You will be asked to do so before starting your ticket.

Before Submitting Your Ticket

The points below provide instructions and suggestions to follow/consider before submitting your ticket.

A screenshot of the GGUS ticket form with two red boxes highlighting key sections of the form. The first red box, labelled '1', highlights the 'Assign to support unit' field. The second red box, labelled '2', highlights the file input fields.

1. Assign the right support unit

Completing this instruction will ensure your ticket reaches our support team.

The support unit can be assigned from the dropdown menu for the Assign to support unit field (bottom-right of the ticket form). Within this, select "PITHIA e-Science Centre" under the "PITHIA Community" dropdown group.

A cropped screenshot of the GGUS ticket form showing the 'PITHIA e-Science Centre' support unit option highlighted within the dropdown menu for the 'Assign to support unit' field.

2. Attach files

If applicable, attach relevant files (e.g., a file that failed metadata validation) or screenshots of any errors to help us to better understand your problem.