Data Collections
Top-level definition of a collection of the model or measurement data, with CollectionResults pointing to its URL(s) for accessing the data. Note: data collections do not include begin and end times, please see Catalogue.
Data Collection Types
Activity Indicators
- ActivityIndicator: Collection of Hp30 and ap30 indices by GFZ
- ActivityIndicator: Collection of Hp60 and ap60 indices by GFZ
- ActivityIndicator: Collection of Kp, ap, and Ap indices by GFZ, with F10.7 from DRAO and Sn from WSC SILSO
- EIS current ionospheric conditions at each ionosonde location
- PCN (Polar Cap North) geomagnetic index by DTU
- TechTIDE LSTID activity index
- T-FORS MSTID Climatology
Sensor Measurements
- AWDA VLF collection of Equatorial Electron Density in the Plasmasphere
- DIDBase: Digital Ionogram DataBase, autoscaled records
- DIDBase: Digital Ionogram DataBase, manually scaled records
- EISCAT Svalbard Dynasonde analysed data
- EISCAT Svalbard Radar Data in the Madrigal Database
- EISCAT Tromsø Dynasonde analysed data
- EISCAT UHF Radar Data in the Madrigal Database
- EISCAT UHF Radar Vector Data in the Madrigal Database
- EISCAT VHF Radar Data in the Madrigal Database
- EISCAT VHF Radar Vector Data in the Madrigal Database
- eSWua: Ionograms database, autoscaled records
- eSWua: Ionograms database, manually scaled records
- IAP-P Doppler sounder spectrograms
- LOFAR Scintllation data
- NOA Athens Digisonde (AT138) Data
- PL610 LOFAR station data
- ROB-IONO Near-Real Time European Ionospheric Maps
- WHISPER/Cluster collection of Electron Plasma Frequency and Electron Density in the Plasmasphere
Computational Models
- B0B1_qModel
- BSPM: 3D-Kinetic plasmasphere model
- DTM2020-operational: semi-empirical thermosphere model
- EIS foF2 Forecast Maps
- EIS foF2 Forecasts Over Digisonde Stations
- EIS foF2 Long Term Prediction Maps
- EIS foF2 Nowcast Maps
- EIS hmF2 Nowcast Maps
- EIS Ionospheric Alerts
- EIS Near Real-Time TEC Maps
- EPB_detectionTool
- EUHFORIA: EUropean Heliospheric FORecasting Information Asset
- hmF2_qModel
- IPIM : Ionosphere-Plasmasphere IRAP Model
- IRI: International Reference Ionosphere version 2001
- NEDM2020: ionosphere electron density model
- NTCM G: Galileo single-frequency ionospheric corrections model
- SWIF Model
- The 1D EDD version of the TaD Model
- EDP: Electron Density Profile
- eSWua IONORING tool: Nowcasting TEC maps over Italy
- eSWua IONORING tool: Short-Term Forecasting TEC maps over Italy
- eSWua IONOWORD tool: Nowcasting global TEC maps
- eSWua IONOWORLD tool: Long-term forecasting global TEC maps
- eSWua: Scintillation Indices and Total Electron Content (TEC) database
- European Ionosonde Network DIAS (European Digital upper Atmosphere Server) collection
- GIM: Global Ionosphere Maps
- IRTAM 3D global real-time assimilative model of ionospheric electron density
- RayTRIX-CQP: Oblique ionogram synthesizer with E, F1, F2 layer echo traces and MUFs, driven by IRTAM ionospheric nowcast
- SOLERA: EUV Solar Flux-Rate