Ionogram Scaling: ARTIST autoscaler version 4.5

Last modified at Oct 27th, 2022, 09:00 GMT


ARTIST4.5 belongs to the family of ARTIST (Automatic Real-Time Ionogram Scaler with True height) software systems for Digisondes. Version 4.5 was designed and implemented in the early 2000s based on a new concept of trace extraction that replaced previous classic Reinisch and Huang 1983 signal tracer algorithm. The new concept used a best-fit Hough computation that overlayed on the ionogram image a set of the echo traces restored from a candidate pool of synthesized vertical Ne profiles. The best-fit approach demonstrated superior performance to version 4 at mid-latitudes, especially during periods of disturbed ionosphere.

Child Computations

Data Levels

Quality Assessment

Data Quality Flags

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Algorithm Not used
Processing Input Not used
Software Reference Not used
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Editor Borealis Global Designs
Version 1
Created Thursday 27th Oct. 2022, 09:00
Last Modified Thursday 27th Oct. 2022, 09:00