Ionogram Scaling: ARTIST autoscaler version 5

Last modified at Aug 17th, 2022, 16:46 GMT


ARTIST5 belongs to the family of ARTIST ionogram autoscaling systems for Digisondes. Version 5 uses neural-network pre-Attentive vision model ANNAE to extract traces of the reflected signal and then an expert system for trace interpretation and scaling of the standard URSI characteristics. Following the trace extraction, several algorithms are run to compute the vertical electron density profile.

Child Computations

Data Levels

Quality Assessment

Data Quality Flags

Further Information and Resources


More Properties

Property Value
Algorithm Not used
Processing Input Not used
Software Reference Not used
Metadata Information
Editor Borealis Global Designs
Version 1
Created Wednesday 17th Aug. 2022, 16:46
Last Modified Wednesday 17th Aug. 2022, 16:46