Half-hourly nowcast ap30 index

Last modified at Oct 22nd, 2024, 10:00 GMT


Half-hourly (30-minute ap-like) sub-auroral geomagnetic activity indicator provided by GFZ Potsdam, Germany. The near real-time computation is based on 1-minute geomagnetic data from the contributing observatories. The quiet magnetic field is subtracted and the remaining disturbance is translated into H30 value. The H30 values are standardized at each observatory to obtain Hs30 values, from which Hp30 value is derived as a mean. The ap30 index is obtained as a linear scale representation of Hp30 according to a mapping table.


  • Nowcast ap30 index, near-real time computationn

    Observed Property
    Dimensionality Instance
    Dimensionality Timeline
    Every 0.5 hours

Data Levels

Further Information and Resources


More Properties

Property Value
Algorithm Not used
Processing Input Not used
Software Reference Not used
Metadata Information
Editor GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
Version 2
Created Tuesday 30th May 2023, 10:00
Last Modified Tuesday 22nd Oct. 2024, 10:00