Plasma: Ne value from fpe value

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ComputationCapabilities xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:mrl="" xmlns:gco="" xmlns:xlink="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
         For those software tools that may be used by any data provider, use as namespace: pithia 
    <name>Plasma: Ne value from fpe value</name>  
        This is a generic plasma equation that derives electron density Ne from electron plasma frequency fpe
        A list of the "capabilities" of the procedure: a description (dimensionality, units) for each observed property that this process can evaluate.
        The dimensionalityInstance describes the data domain of the single instance of the measured observed property (1D.point, 1D.Profile, 2D.Map, 2D.image..).
        The dimensionalityTimeline describes the timeline of the measured observed property (e.g. Timeseries, Animation,...).
            <observedProperty xlink:href=""/>
            <dimensionalityInstance xlink:href=""/>
            <units xlink:href=""/> 
    <dataLevel xlink:href=""/>
    <type xlink:href=""/>
    <!-- Use ESPAS-inspired design of processingInput and InputOutput types to specify all required input parameters for this computation -->
            <!-- Provide only name and description, no values: this field describes the process, not the observation result. 
            If this processingInput is a parameter that has specific value for the whole collection, use om:parameter field of the DataCollection 
            document to define such NamedValue, point its to this name below, and use NamedValue.value to set the value -->
            <name>Electron plasma frequency</name>
                     This comptation of Ne requires fpe value as its input. 