Numerical calculation without interacting with the Feature of Interest; characterised by its numerical input and output.
74 computations
- 10.7 Solar Radio Flux
- Activity Indicator: Solar Active Region Classification
- Athens Digisonde ionogram characteristics
- AWDA VLF: Equatorial electron density derived from whistler waves
- B0B1_qModel: Thickness B0 (km) and shape B1 (dimensionless) parameters of F layer calculated from sunspot number and IGRF coeficients.
- BSPM: density on a Solar Magnetic grid to plot 2D map
- COSMIC: EDP Computation
- Current ionospheric conditions at each ionosonde location
- Doppler sounder spectrogram computation
- DSND and NeXtYZ analysis
- DTM: density on a latitude-local time grid at specified altitude, to plot 2D map
- DTM: neutral particle temperatures on a latitude-local time grid at specified altitude, to plot 2D map
- EISCAT Radar Ion-Neutral Collision Frequency Analysis
- EISCAT Radar Ionospheric Parameter Analysis
- EISCAT Radar Vector Parameter Analysis
- EIS foF2 Forecast Maps
- EIS foF2 Forecasts Over Digisonde Stations
- EIS foF2 Long Term Prediction Maps
- EIS foF2 Nowcast Maps
- EIS hmF2 Nowcast Maps
- EIS Ionospheric Alerts
- EIS Near Real-Time TEC Maps
- EPB_detectionTool
- eSWua: Automatic ionogram scaling computation
- eSWua: GNSS scintillation indices and TEC computation
- eSWua IONORING tool: computation of nowcasting TEC map over Italy
- eSWua IONORING tool: computation of Short-Term Forecasting TEC maps over Italy
- eSWua IONOWORLD tool: computation of global nowcasting TEC map
- eSWua IONOWORLD tool: computation of Long-term forecasting global TEC maps
- eSWua: Manual ionogram scaling computation
- EUHFORIA: Coronal domain
- EUHFORIA: DSO computation based on L1 model
- EUHFORIA: Dst computation based on L1 model
- EUHFORIA: Heliospheric domain
- EUHFORIA: Kp computation based on L1 model
- European Ionosonde Network DIAS computation
- GIRO: Automatic ionogram scaling
- GIRO: Manual ionogram scaling
- GNSS Ionospheric monitor Borowiec
- GNSS Ionospheric Monitor Hornsund
- GNSS Ionospheric Monitor Warsaw
- GNSS: UPC GIM Computation
- HF communications: calculation of a radiolink midpoint
- hmF2_qModel: hmF2 model calculation and prediction from smoothed sunspot number and IGRF coeficients
- Hp30 indices
- Hp60 indices
- Ionosonde Warsaw
- IPIM Standard Ionospheric Parameters
- IRI 3D electron density computed from 2D anchor maps
- IRI: Empirical quiet-time model of foF2 critical frequency as 2D maps in Jones-Gallet formalism
- IRI: Vertical electron density profile computed from anchor values
- IRTAM: Assimilation of GIRO ionogram-derived measurements using NECTAR method
- IRTAM: Derived properties from assimilation results
- Kp indices
- LOFAR_Averaged_Dynamic_Spectra
- LOFAR_S4_180
- LOFAR_S4_60
- NEDM2020: ionosphere electron density model computation
- NTCM G: Galileo single-frequency ionospheric corrections model computation
- PCN (Polar Cap North) geomagnetic index by DTU
- PL610 LOFAR station Borówiec
- Plasma: computing electron density from electron plasma frequency
- RayTRIX: Analytical raytracing through CQP vertical Ne profile at the radiolink midpoint
- ROB-IONO Software : multi-GNSS data processing for Space Weather
- SOLERA: EUV photons flux rate Computation
- Sunspot Number
- SWIF Model
- TechTIDE LSTID activity index
- T-FORS LSTID Forecasting with TFT
- T-FORS MSTID Climatology
- The 1D EDD version of the TaD Model
- Vertical Ne Profile: Best-fit 3-layer Composite Quasi-Parabolic (CQP) representation
- WHISPER: Electron plasma frequency extraction from its active spectrograms
- WHISPER: Selection of spectrogram type for interpretation