European Ionosonde Network DIAS (European Digital upper Atmosphere Server) collection

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<DataCollection xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:gmd="" xmlns:om="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
       First report some required elements from ISO standard for Observation
  <om:phenomenonTime/><!-- DO NOT USE, we report phenomenon time only in Catalogs -->
  <om:resultTime/>    <!-- DO NOT USE, we report result time only in Catalogs -->
  <om:procedure xlink:href=""/>


      <namedRegion xlink:href=""/>
  <om:result/> <!-- DO NOT USE, we use the CollectionResults below to specify URLs to provider) -->
       Now our Data Collection elements next
  <name>European Ionosonde Network DIAS (European Digital upper Atmosphere Server) collection</name>
  <!-- Type is not allowed here. Comes from procedure ? -->
  <!-- <type xlink:href=""/>  -->
    The European DIgital Upper Atmosphere Server (DIAS) aims at the development of a European digital data collection 
	on the state of the upper atmosphere and on the efficient promotion of this collection to all possible users. 
	DIAS provides access to ionograms, daily plots and maps for real-time ionospheric specification, for the long-term prediction frequency planning, 
	for the nowcasting frequency management and warning purposes and for trans-ionospheric propagation
	Furthermore, the DIAS collection contains data of the Digisonde's Network acquired by NOA. 
	Data availability depends on each station, ie: AT138 since 2012, EB040-RO041-RL052-PQ052-JR055 since 2017, 
	EA036 since 2021, TR170-SO148-DB049 since 2023. 
	The available distinct products of the Network are the following: 
	SAO records (foF2, foF1, mD, mufD, fmin, foEs, fminF, fminE, foE, fxI, hF, hF2, hE, hEs, zmE, yE, qf, qe, 
	downF, downE, downEs, ff, fe, d, fMUF, hfMUF, delta_foF2, foEp, fhF, fhF2, foF1p, phF2lyr, phF1lyr, zhalfNm, 
	foF2p, fminEs, yF2, yF1, tec, scHgtF2pk, b0IRI, b1IRI, d1IRI, foEa, hEa, foP, hP, fbEs, typeEs) are also available. 
  <type xlink:href=""/>
  <type xlink:href=""/>
  <type xlink:href=""/>
  <project xlink:href=""/>
      <role xlink:href=""/>
      <party xlink:href=""/>
      <role xlink:href=""/>
      <party xlink:href=""/>

        <serviceFunction xlink:href=""/>
        <name>European Digital Upper Atmosphere Server (DIAS portal)</name>
        <description>The DIAS WebPortal is a landing page for accessing ionograms, daily plots and maps 
		for real-time ionospheric specification, for the long-term prediction frequency planning, for the nowcasting 
		frequency management and warning purposes and for trans-ionospheric propagation.</description>
        <dataFormat xlink:href=""/>
        <dataFormat xlink:href=""/>
        <serviceFunction xlink:href=""/>
        <name>Ionostream API</name>
		The Ionospheric Group of NOA provides the ionostream API for accessing ionospheric data.
		The Ionostream API provides a browser-based user interface for data browsing and downloading.
		API parameters: 
		(I) Endpoint /idb/istations: Available stations' products over a given interval.
		(II) Endpoint /idb/iproducts: Active stations over a given interval.
		(III) Endpoint /idb/idatasets: Ionograms.
		Parameter stations: select the station of interest.
		Parameter products: select the products of interest [CIONIMG (plot), SAO (data), RSF (data)].
		(IV) Endpoint /idb/idatasets/pager: Ionograms
		Parameter stations: select the station of interest.
		Parameter products: select the products of interest [CIONIMG (plot), SAO (data), RSF (data)].
		By using this endpoint (pager) you divide a large dataset into smaller pages without temporal restrictions.
		(V) Endpoint /idb/sao: Selected ionospheric characteristics.
		Parameter stations: select the station of interest.
		Parameter characteristics: select the characteristic of interest [foF2, foEs, fmin, mufD, hmF2, hEs].
		(VI) Endpoint /idb/sao/pager: Selected ionospheric characteristics.
		Parameter stations: select the station of interest.
		Parameter characteristics: select the characteristic of interest [foF2, foEs, fmin, mufD, hmF2, hEs].
		By using this endpoint (pager) you divide a large dataset into smaller pages without temporal restrictions
		(VII) Endpoint /idb/sao/rangestats: Selected ionospheric characteristics.
		Info on the data temporal availabilty per station.
		Parameter stations: select the station of interest.
		(VIII) Endpoint /idb/sao/constats: Selected ionospheric characteristics.
		Info on the number of the available data per year/month/day per station over a given interval.
		Parameter stations: select the station of interest.
		(IX) Endpoint /idb/saodf:  Selected ionospheric characteristics.
		Parameter stations: select the station of interest.
		Parameter characteristics: select the characteristic of interest [foF2, foEs, fmin, mufD, hmF2, hEs].
		Apache Arrow - Pandas DataFrame compatible columnar data structure.
        <dataFormat xlink:href=""/>
            <serviceFunction xlink:href=""/>
            <name>DIDBase Ionogram Image Portal</name>
            <description>The DIDBase WebPortal is a landing page for browsing and display of ionogram images. </description>
            <dataFormat xlink:href=""/>

  <dataLevel xlink:href=""/>
    <dataQualityFlag xlink:href=""/>
  <permission xlink:href=""/>