SWIF Model

Last modified at Jul 22nd, 2024, 14:47 GMT


The SWIF ionospheric forecasting algorithm provides alerts and warnings for upcoming ionospheric storm disturbances and ionospheric forecasts over Europe. SWIF combines historical and real-time ionospheric observations with solar wind parameters obtained in real time at L1 point through the cooperation of an autoregression forecasting algorithm, namely TSAR that provides real-time ionospheric forecasts up to 24 hours ahead during all possible conditions with an empirical method, namely STIM, that formulates the ionospheric storm-time response triggered by solar wind disturbances.

How to Access the Data

3 Links

API Access

Online Resource Access

  • The EIS provides a browser-based user interface for data browsing and downloading. Direct data access requires authentication by external organisation (ESA); once user access is authorised the link lands directly at the EIS page. Three products derive from the SWIF Model: (a) foF2 Forecasts Maps, (b) foF2 Forecasts Plots Over Stations and (c) Ionospheric Alerts.

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    Service Functions

    The SWIF API provides a browser-based user interface for data browsing and downloading. API parameters: (I) Endpoint /swifdb/stations: Active stations over a given interval. (II) Endpoint /swifdb/tsar/covstats: Info on the number of the available data per year/month/day per station over a given interval. Parameter stations: select the station of interest. (III) Endpoint /swifdb/tsar/rangestats: Info on the data temporal availabilty per station. Parameter stations: select the station of interest. (IV) Endpoint /swifdb/forecasts: Forecast foF2 values for the next 24 hours over each Digisonde station. Parameter stations: select the station of interest. (V) Endpoint /swifdb/forecasts/pager: Forecast foF2 values for the next 24 hours over each Digisonde station. Parameter stations: select the station of interest. By using this endpoint (pager) you divide a large dataset into smaller pages without temporal restrictions. (VI) Endpoint /swifdb/forecasts_df: Forecast foF2 values for the next 24 hours over each Digisonde station. Apache Arrow - Pandas DataFrame compatible columnar data structure. Parameter stations: select the station of interest. Parameter attributes: requested column names. (VII) Endpoint /swifdb/forecasts_sync_df: Forecast foF2 values for the next 24 hours over each Digisonde station. Forecasts as Dataframe (complex sync request: ForecastsCov sync) (VIII) Endpoint /swifdb/solardb/magdata: DSCOVR mission Magdata records (Bmag, Bx, By, Bz). (IX) Endpoint /swifdb/solardb/magdata/pager: DSCOVR mission Magdata records (Bmag, Bx, By, Bz). By using this endpoint (pager) you divide a large dataset into smaller pages without temporal restrictions. (X) Endpoint /swifdb/solardb/magdata_df: DSCOVR mission Magdata records (Bmag, Bx, By, Bz). Apache Arrow - Pandas DataFrame compatible columnar data structure. (XI) Endpoint /swifdb/stim/storms: Interplanetary storms detected. Parameter local: [false] if you want info about the interplanetary storm only or [true] if you want to get info about the local (at the Digisonde stations) stroms as well. Each storm has a UUID "id" that can be used in the /swifdb/stim/storm/{pubid} or/and /swifdb/stim/istorm/{pubid} endpoint for retrieving the relevant info. (XII) Endpoint /swifdb/stim/storm/{pubid}: Interplanetary storms detected. Parameter pubid: the UUID "id" of a distinct interplanetary storm. (XIII) Endpoint /swifdb/stim/istorms: Local storms detected. Parameter stations: select the station(s) of interest. Parameter parent: [false] if you want info about the local (at the Digisonde station) storm only or [true] if you want to get info about the interplanetary storm as well. Each storm has a UUID "id" that can be used in the /swifdb/stim/storm/{pubid} or/and /swifdb/stim/istorm/{pubid} endpoint for retrieving the relevant info. (XIV) Endpoint /swifdb/stim/istorm/{pubid}: Local storms detected. Parameter pubid: the UUID "id" of a distinct local storm. (XV) Endpoint /swifdb/tsar/stormstats: Temporal statistics. Number of interplanetary storms detected over a given interval.

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    Data Formats
    Service Functions


Further Information and Resources



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Result Not used
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Observed Property Not used
Metadata Information
Editor National Observatory of Athens
Version 1
Created Monday 22nd May 2023, 09:55
Last Modified Monday 22nd July 2024, 14:47