An object responsible for interacting with the Feature of Interest in order to acquire Observed Property values.
43 instruments
- Advanced Ionospheric Sounder (AIS-INGV)
- Deprecated: GPS Receiver: Generic definition
- Deprecated: GPS Receiver, Groundbased: Generic definition
- Deprecated: GPS Receiver: Spaceborne
- Deprecated: GPS Transmitter: part of the GPS spacecraft
- Dynasonde Advanced Ionospheric Sounder
- EISCAT Remote UHF receivers
- EISCAT Remote VHF receivers
- EISCAT Svalbard Incoherent scatter radar
- EISCAT UHF Incoherent scatter radar
- EISCAT VHF Incoherent scatter radar
- GIFDS VLF Receiver
- GNSS Permanent Station : Generic
- GNSS Receiver: General Ground-based
- GNSS Receiver: General Scintillation
- GNSS Receiver: General Spaceborne
- GNSS Receiver: Permanent Station with Scintillation Monitoring
- GNSS Scintillation Receiver - GPStation6
- GNSS Scintillation Receiver - GSV4004A/B
- GNSS Scintillation Receiver - Javad Delta G3T
- GNSS Scintillation Receiver - PolaRxS/5S
- GNSS Transmitter: Generic definition
- Groundbased Magnetometer: Generic definition
- Groundbased Solar Radio Flux Monitors at DRAO
- Ground-based vector magnetometer
- Ionosonde: Digisonde 256
- Ionosonde: Digisonde Portable Sounder 1 (DPS1)
- Ionosonde: Digisonde Portable Sounder 4D (DPS4D)
- Ionosonde: Digisonde Portable Sounder 4 (DPS4)
- Ionosonde: IPS-5A
- Ionosonde: Parus-A
- Ionosonde VISRC2
- LOFAR Borowiec
- LOFAR Station
- Magnetometer Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory
- Magnetometer: Vector groundbased network
- Multipoint Continuous Doppler sounding system
- Optical Imager: Groundbased Solar Telescope, Generic definition
- Scintillation monitor
- Scitillation_monitor
- Sodankyla Alpha-Wolf Ionosonde
- VLF AWDA Receiver
- WHISPER: Waves of High frequency and Sounder for Probing of Electron density by Relaxation