Ground-based vector magnetometer

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Instrument xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xlink="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
    <name>Ground-based vector magnetometer</name>
        The Qaanaaq magnetic observatory observatory employs the Danish FGE 3-axis linear-core fluxgate magnetometers which provide full vector geomagnetic field information with 1 Hz resolution. 
        The magnetometers and their operation adhere to the INTERMAGNET standard. The measurements are transferred in real time to DTU Space.
    <type xlink:href=""/> <!-- use the instrumentType ontology to describe the type of the instrument -->
        <id>standard</id> <!-- the id should not  include any space characters. It is used to be referenced by Acquisition -->
        <name>Standard</name> <!-- it would be preferable the name of the mode not to include any space characters -->