Sodankyla Alpha-Wolf Ionosonde

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<Instrument xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xlink="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
    <name>Sodankyla Alpha-Wolf Ionosonde</name>
        The Sodankyla Ionosonde started regular, half-hourly vertical soundings of the ionosphere on 1st August 1957. 
		The observatory's second sounder (IS-14) was taken into operation on 1st February 1977. This sounder was modified later on. 
		A new era of ionospheric vertical soundings began on 16th November 2005 when the new "Alpha Wolf" ionosonde was taken into use, 
		which was built from scratch as a research ionosonde by the observatory during the previous three years. The new instrument 
		performed soundings every 10 min until early April 2007, when 1-min soundings for the IPY began.
    <type xlink:href=""/>
        <name>Scanning Ionogram</name>
		Normal vertical sounding program: Usually 6 ionograms per hour (higher resolution possible).
		Display: O-mode ionogram is currently published on web in real-time. Real-time ionograms have 90dB dynamic range. Virtual range up to 3000km.