<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Instrument xmlns="https://metadata.pithia.eu/schemas/2.2" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xsi:schemaLocation="https://metadata.pithia.eu/schemas/2.2 https://metadata.pithia.eu/schemas/2.2/pithia.xsd">
<name>LOFAR Borowiec</name>
LOFAR Pl610 is a single station of the Low-Frequency Array designed by ASTRON. It is located in Borowiec, Poland and operated by CBK PAN. It consists of a 70 m wide Low Band Antenna (LBA) array with 96 elements, a 56.5 m wide High Band Antenna (HBA) array composed of 96 antenna tiles and a total of 96 digital Receiver Units (RCU's). The operating frequency range of LOFAR is 10 MHz to 240 MHz, while the antennas are optimised for the ranges of 30-80 MHz (LBA) and 120-240 MHz (HBA). The station can work in two observing modes; as a part of the International LOFAR Telescope or in a single station mode.
<type xlink:href="https://metadata.pithia.eu/ontology/2.2/instrumentType/ReceiverElectric"/> <!-- use the instrumentType ontology to describe the type of the instrument -->
<id>spectrum</id> <!-- the id should not include any space characters. It is used to be referenced by Acquisition -->
<name>dynamic spectrum</name> <!-- it would be preferable the name of the mode not to include any space characters -->
Measure Stokes parameters in the direction to natural radio sources.