foF2 Forecast Maps

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<Operation xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:gml="" xmlns:gmd="" xmlns:gco="" xsi:schemaLocation="" gml:id="o_esr_dsnd">
  <name>foF2 Forecast Maps</name>
Short term forecast of the critical frequency of the F2 layer of the ionosphere. 
The maps over Europe (latitude from 34 to 80 deg) of the foF2 parameter, for the next 24 hours, calculated with the SWIF forecast model and 
mapped using the real-time updated SIRMUP method with background models the SIRM (for mid latitudes) and the CCIR (for the high latitudes). 
The maps are made available with a latency of 20 min every hour in both ASCII and PNG formats.
    <gml:TimePeriod gml:id="t_esr_dsnd">
      <gml:begin><gml:TimeInstant gml:id="ti1"><gml:timePosition>2014-02-18</gml:timePosition></gml:TimeInstant></gml:begin>
	  <gml:end><gml:TimeInstant gml:id="ti2"><gml:timePosition>2050-12-31</gml:timePosition></gml:TimeInstant></gml:end>
            <gmd:title><gco:CharacterString>Ionospheric foF2 forecast over Europe based on an autoregressive modeling technique driven by solar wind parameters</gco:CharacterString></gmd:title>
            <date xmlns="">
                        <CI_DateTypeCode codeList="" codeListValue="">Publication Date</CI_DateTypeCode>                      
            <identifier xmlns="">
 			Tsagouri, I., K. Koutroumbas, and A. Belehaki. Radio Science, 44, RS0A35, 2009.
               <CI_OnlineResource xmlns="">
  <status xlink:href=""/>
      <role xlink:href=""/>
      <party xlink:href=""/>
      <role xlink:href=""/>
      <party xlink:href=""/>
  <platform xlink:href=""/>