Operation of SGO Sodankylä Magnetometer

Last modified at Jan 29th, 2024, 12:00 GMT

Operation Time
Nov 1st, 1996 - Dec 31st, 2050


The oldest routine task of SGO is the regular measurement of the geomagnetic field. The measurements began on 1st January 1914 and continue until today. The only gap in the time series is between 16th September 1944 and 1st January 1947 due to the destruction of the observatory during the war. Preliminary data with the cadence of 10 seconds is available since 1996.


Further Information and Resources


Metadata Information
Editor Sodankyla Geophysical Observatory
Version 2
Created Thursday 16th March 2023, 10:30
Last Modified Monday 29th Jan. 2024, 12:00