GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences

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<Organisation xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:gmd="" xmlns:gco="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
    <name>GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences</name>
        <CI_Contact xmlns="">
                <CI_Telephone><voice><gco:CharacterString>+49 331 2881882</gco:CharacterString></voice>
            <contactInstructions><gco:CharacterString>Contact by email or phone</gco:CharacterString></contactInstructions>
        German Research Centre for Geosciences was founded in 1992 as the national research institution for geosciences in Germany and is ab initio member of the Helmholtz Association of National Research Centres. The GFZ is Germany&#8217;s premier institute for geosciences, with strong links to leading institutes across Europe. Its research ranges across the full breadth of the Earth Sciences from the dynamics of Earth&#8217;s deep interior to the remote observation of its active surface. The GFZ is responsible for the long-term operation of expansive instrument networks, arrays and observatories, as well as data and analytical infrastructures. The GFZ's section 2.3 &#8220;Geomagnetism&#8221; operates a global network of geomagnetic observatories (together with collaborating partners) and provides the geomagnetic three-hourly Kp and its related indices (ap, Ap, Cp) derived at the Adolf Schmidt Geomagnetic Observatory Niemegk of GFZ since 1997 (Kp goes back to 1932). Also, it derives and provides a new group of Kp-like open-ended geomagnetic activity indices Hpo, Hp60 (hourly) and Hp30 (half-hourly), along with their linearly scaled counterparts ap30 and ap60 (Hpo goes back to 1995).