AWDA VLF Antenna Humain

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<Platform xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:gml="" xmlns:gmd="" xmlns:gco="" xsi:schemaLocation="" gml:id="p_n11">
    <name>AWDA VLF Antenna Humain</name>    
The first Belgian AWDA VLF antenna has been installed in October 2010 in Humain, Belgium (Lat~50.11 N, Long~5.15 E). This VLF antenna is made of two perpendicular magnetic loops, oriented North-South and East-West and with an area of approximately 50 square meters each.
    <type xlink:href=""/>
                 <!-- The LAT, LON coordinates of the position of the platform.  The "srsName" describes the coordinate system -->           		     <geometryLocation><gml:Point gml:id="n110" srsName="">
                 <gml:pos>50.11 5.15</gml:pos>
            <nameLocation><EX_GeographicDescription xmlns=""><geographicIdentifier><MD_Identifier>
                    <code><gco:CharacterString>Humain, Belgium</gco:CharacterString></code>
               </MD_Identifier></geographicIdentifier> </EX_GeographicDescription></nameLocation>
            <role xlink:href=""/>
            <party xlink:href=""/>
            <role xlink:href=""/>
            <party xlink:href=""/>