<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<CompositeProcess xmlns="https://metadata.pithia.eu/schemas/2.2" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xsi:schemaLocation="https://metadata.pithia.eu/schemas/2.2 https://metadata.pithia.eu/schemas/2.2/pithia.xsd">
<!-- Instructions:
This is a composite process that includes all data acquisitions and data computations involved in a single Observation.
1. If ObservationCollection is a model computation, acquisitionComponent is not defined
2. Input parameters for the model or measurement are not listed here, they are in ObservationCollection
3. Capability items inside acquisition and computation components are all-inclusive
<name>NEDM2020: ionosphere electron density model calculation</name>
The Neustrelitz Electron Density Model NEDM2020 can provide electron concentration at any given location and time in the ionosphere for trans-ionospheric applications (altitude range 80 – 20,000 km) based on user latitude, longitude, height, day of year, and universal time as inputs, with driving parameter F10.7. The empirical model is an amalgamation of altitude region specialized approaches for the plasmasphere, F layer, and E layer.
<dataLevel xlink:href="https://metadata.pithia.eu/ontology/2.2/dataLevel/L4"/>
<dataQualityFlag xlink:href="https://metadata.pithia.eu/ontology/2.2/dataQualityFlag/DQ4"/>
<!-- This list is grossly incomplete! -->
<computationComponent xlink:href="https://metadata.pithia.eu/resources/2.2/computation/dlr-so/Computation_NEDM2020"/>