eSWua IONORING tool: processing of the nowcasting TEC map over Italy (IONORING)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<CompositeProcess xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xlink="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
    <!-- Instructions:
This is a composite process that includes all data acquisitions and data computations involved in a single Observation. 
1. If ObservationCollection is a model computation, acquisitionComponent is not defined
2. Input parameters for the model or measurement are not listed here, they are in ObservationCollection
3. ProcessCapability items are all-inclusive... everything that included computationComponents can potentially produce are listed here
    <name>eSWua IONORING tool: processing of the nowcasting TEC map over Italy (IONORING)</name>  
    <dataLevel xlink:href=""/>
       <dataQualityFlag xlink:href=""/>

    <!-- describe the Composite Process from which components is consisted of. You can put more than one computationComponent and more than one acquisitionComponent -->
    <acquisitionComponent xlink:href=""/>
    <computationComponent xlink:href=""/>