IRI: International Reference Ionosphere

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    <name>IRI: International Reference Ionosphere</name>
        The International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) is an international project sponsored by the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) and the 
        International Union of Radio Science (URSI). These organizations formed a Working Group (members list) in the late sixties to produce an 
        empirical standard model of the ionosphere, based on all available data sources (Charter). Several steadily improved editions of the model 
        have been released. The IRI model and software is updated according to the decisions of the IRI Working Group. An IRI listserver keeps the 
        community informed about model updates, workshops, publication, and other IRI-related matters. To subscribe send a message to with 'subscribe IRI your_email_address' in the SUBJECT line and your name, affiliation and mailing address in the body 
        of the message.
            <gmd:title><gco:CharacterString>International Reference Ionosphere 2016: From ionospheric climate to real-time weather predictions</gco:CharacterString></gmd:title>
            <date xmlns="">
                        <CI_DateTypeCode codeList="" codeListValue="">Publication Date</CI_DateTypeCode>                      
            <identifier xmlns="">
                    D. Bilitza, D. Altadill, V. Truhlik, V. Shubin, I. Galkin, B. Reinisch, and X. Huang, International Reference Ionosphere 2016: 
                    From ionospheric climate to real-time weather predictions, Space Weather, 15, 418-429, doi:10.1002/2016SW001593, 2017
               <CI_OnlineResource xmlns="">
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            <type><MD_KeywordTypeCode codeList="#pr1" codeListValue="Observed Region"/></type>
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            <keyword><gco:CharacterString>Ionospheric Specification</gco:CharacterString></keyword>
            <keyword><gco:CharacterString>HF radio wave propagation</gco:CharacterString></keyword>       
            <type><MD_KeywordTypeCode codeList="#pr1" codeListValue="Miscellaneous"/></type>
            <role xlink:href=""/> 
            <party xlink:href=""/> <!-- NB changed namespace from pithia to lgdc -->
            <role xlink:href=""/> 
            <party xlink:href=""/>
    <status xlink:href=""/> 