eSWua IONOWORLD tool: single point TEC forecasting

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    <name>eSWua IONOWORLD tool: single point TEC forecasting</name>
        A nonlinear autoregressive model with external input, NARX (Xie et al., 2009), is adopted and tuned for 24-h ahead TEC forecasting on 18 grid points chosen in order to cover different latitudinal sectors and different local time. NARX is a recurrent dynamic network, with feedback connections enclosing several layers of the network. It uses a supervised training method consisting in feeding the network with input/output examples to minimize the error function. In this case the external input for forecasting the vertical TEC (vTEC) at a given grid point is the geomagnetic index Kp, available several hours in advance (up to 3 days) from NOAA ( The TEC time series is obtained, for each grid points, by extracting vTEC for the considered grid point from Global Ionospheric Map (GIM) provided by the International GNSS Service (IGS) [1] in IONEX format with time resolution of 2 h. The Kp time series is obtained by interpolating 3-h resolution data to obtain a value of the Kp every 2 h. The interpolation method used is the nearest neighbor.
        [1]Hern&#225;ndez-Pajares M, Juan JM, Sanz J, Orus R, Garcia-Rigo A, Feltens J, Krankowski A. 2009. The IGS VTEC maps: a reliable source of ionospheric information since 1998. J Geod 83(3&#8211;4): 263&#8211;275.

            <name>Vertical Total Electron Content</name>
            <observedProperty xlink:href=""/>
            <dimensionalityInstance xlink:href=""/>
            <dimensionalityTimeline xlink:href=""/>
            <units xlink:href=""/>
    <dataLevel xlink:href=""/>
       <dataQualityFlag xlink:href=""/>
    <type xlink:href=""/>
    <type xlink:href=""/>