Computation Capabilities
List of Process Capability descriptions for a particular Computation component.
129 computation capabilities
- 3-hourly definitive ap index
- 3-hourly definitive Kp index
- 3-hourly nowcast ap index
- 3-hourly nowcast Kp index
- Activity Indicator: Solar Active Region Classification
- Athens Digisonde ionogram characteristics
- AWDA VLF: Equatorial electron density from whistler waves
- B0B1_qModel
- BSPM: density predictions as 2D maps
- Current ionospheric conditions at each ionosonde location
- Daily definitive Ap index
- Daily nowcast Ap index
- Doppler sounder spectrogram computation
- DSND ionospheric parameter scaling
- DSO index computation using EUHFORIA Heliosphere model output at L1
- Dst index computation using EUHFORIA Heliosphere model output at L1
- DTM: density predictions as 2D maps, latitude vs solar local time
- DTM: temperature predictions as 2D maps, latitude vs solar local time
- Dynasonde NeXtYZ electron density profiles
- EISCAT Radar Ion-Neutral Collision Frequency
- EISCAT Radar Standard Ionospheric Parameters
- EISCAT Radar Vector Parameters
- EIS foF2 Forecast Maps
- EIS foF2 Forecasts Over Digisonde Stations
- EIS foF2 Long Term Prediction Maps
- EIS foF2 Nowcast Maps
- EIS hmF2 Nowcast Maps
- EIS Ionospheric Alerts
- EIS Near Real-Time TEC Maps
- EPB_detectionTool
- eSWua: Amplitude Scintillation Index (S4) computed from 50 Hz GNSS signal samples
- eSWua: Code-derived Total Electron Content (TEC) from 50 Hz GNSS signal samples
- eSWua: GNSS Scintillation Indices and Total Electron Content from 50 Hz signal samples
- eSWua IONORING tool: Short-term forecasting of vTEC
- eSWua IONORING tool: sTEC computation
- eSWua IONORING tool: vTEC computation
- eSWua IONOWORLD tool: 24-hr forecasting vTEC estimation
- eSWua IONOWORLD tool: global TEC forecasting
- eSWua IONOWORLD tool: single point TEC forecasting
- eSWua IONOWORLD tool: sTEC computation
- eSWua IONOWORLD tool: vTEC computation
- eSWua: Phase Scintillation Index (Sigma-phi) computed from 50 Hz GNSS signal samples
- eSWua: TEC variation and rate of change of TEC from 50 Hz GNSS signal samples
- EUHFORIA: Conditions of the heliospheric wind and CMEs
- EUHFORIA: Solar wind boundary conditions
- European Ionosonde Network DIAS ionogram characteristics
- F10.7 solar radio flux, adjusted
- F10.7 solar radio flux, observed
- Half-hourly nowcast ap30 index
- Half-hourly nowcast Hp30 index
- HF communications: Position of a radiolink midpoint
- hmF2_qModel
- Hourly nowcast ap60 index
- Hourly nowcast Hp60 index
- International sunspot number
- Ionogram Scaling: 1D Vertical Ne Profile as 3-layer Composite Quasi-Parabolic (CQP) representation
- Ionogram Scaling: 1D vertical Ne profile as 3-layer parabolas
- Ionogram Scaling: 1D vertical Ne profile as standard IRI parameters
- Ionogram Scaling: 1D vertical Ne profile calculated as shifted Chebyshev polynomials
- Ionogram Scaling: 1D vertical Ne profile calculated through the Adaptive Ionospheric Profiler (AIP)
- Ionogram Scaling: Additional (advanced) set of standard URSI characteristics
- Ionogram Scaling: ARTIST 5 evaluation of autoscaling uncertainty
- Ionogram Scaling: ARTIST autoscaler version 3
- Ionogram Scaling: ARTIST autoscaler version 4
- Ionogram Scaling: ARTIST autoscaler version 4.5
- Ionogram Scaling: ARTIST autoscaler version 5
- Ionogram Scaling: ARTIST evaluation of autoscaling confidence score
- Ionogram Scaling: AUTOSCALA autoscaler
- Ionogram Scaling: AUTOSCALA autoscaler version 2007
- Ionogram Scaling: AUTOSCALA autoscaler Version 5
- Ionogram Scaling: AUTOSCALA reconstruction of the ordinary echo trace from the estimated electron density profile
- Ionogram Scaling: AUTOSCALE autoscaler
- Ionogram Scaling: Basic properties of a 1D vertical Ne profile
- Ionogram Scaling: Basic set of standard URSI characteristics
- Ionogram Scaling: Extraction of echo traces
- Ionogram Scaling: F2-region 1D vertical Ne profile as a constant scale height Chapman layer
- Ionogram Scaling: Manual verification and editing of autoscaling results
- Ionosonde VISRC2
- IPIM Standard Ionospheric Parameters
- IRI: 3D electron density from 2D maps of standard IRI anchor parameters
- IRI: Empirical quiet-time model of foF2 critical frequency as 2D maps in Jones-Gallett formalism
- IRI: MUF(3000)F2 map from foF2 and hmF2 maps
- IRI: MUF(3000)F2 value from foF2 and hmF2 values
- IRI: NmF2 map from foF2 map
- IRI: NmF2 value from foF2 value
- IRI: Vertical Ne profile from its standard IRI anchor parameters
- IRTAM Assimilation: 2D global map of B0 from GIRO observations using NECTAR method
- IRTAM Assimilation: 2D global map of B1 from GIRO observations using NECTAR method
- IRTAM Assimilation: 2D global map of foF2 from GIRO observations using NECTAR method
- IRTAM Assimilation: 2D global map of hmF2 from GIRO observations using NECTAR method
- Kp computation using EUHFORIA Heliosphere model output at L1
- LOFAR: Dynamic spectra and derived characteristics
- NEDM2020: ionosphere electron density
- NTCM G: Galileo single-frequency ionospheric corrections
- PCN (Polar Cap North) geomagnetic index by DTU
- PL610 LOFAR station, Borówiec
- Plasma: Ne value from fpe value
- RayTRIX: analytical raytracing through CQP vertical Ne profile at midpoint
- ROB-IONO Software : multi-GNSS data processing for Space Weather
- Sciintillation on GSV4004
- SWIF Model
- TechTIDE LSTID activity index
- T-FORS LSTID Forecasting with TFT
- T-FORS MSTID Climatology
- The 1D EDD version of the TaD Model
- UPC-PreciseNetwork: Combining Observations
- UPC-PreciseNetwork: Computation of detrended VTEC
- UPC-PreciseNetwork: Cycle Slip Detection
- UPC-PreciseNetwork: EDP Computation
- UPC-PreciseNetwork: Electron Density Profile Estimation
- UPC-PreciseNetwork: Estimation of the Shape Function
- UPC-PreciseNetwork: Estimation topside STEC above the LEO
- UPC-PreciseNetwork: EUV solar flux rate
- UPC-PreciseNetwork: Extreme Ultra Violet Solar Flux-Rate Estimation
- UPC-PreciseNetwork: Geometry Definition
- UPC-PreciseNetwork: Receiver Selection
- UPC-PreciseNetwork: VTEC Computation
- UPC-RapidNetwork: Combining Observations
- UPC-RapidNetwork: Cycle Slip Detection
- UPC-RapidNetwork: Estimation of Differential Code Biases
- UPC-RapidNetwork: Geometry Definition
- UPC-RapidNetwork: Kalman Filter Tomography TOMION technique
- UPC-RapidNetwork: Receiver Selection
- UPC-RapidNetwork: STEC Computation
- UPC-RapidNetwork: Vertical Total Electron Content 2D Estimation
- UPC-RapidNetwork: VTEC Computation
- UPC-RapidNetwork: VTEC Interpolation to 2D map
- WHISPER: Electron plasma frequency from active, passive, and combined spectrograms
- WHISPER: Selection of spectrogram presentation for interpretation